For those who are just starting to exercise, forming the habit and discipline can be really challenging so it’s important that the app recognizes the user’s efforts regardless of how simple the task is. This health app helps those new to fitness create a healthy and sustainable relationship with it -- focusing on improving the well-being of the users rather than the physical appearances.
Progress Check: For those beginning to exercise it’s important to stay motivated and have a means of accountability. The Progress page is a dashboard showing the user’s progress on goals, their activity for the week, and recently earned badges.
Class Selection: Users beginning to exercise might need visual guidance or prefer following an instructor. The user chooses a class by fitness category and can filter by time and difficulty. After finishing a class the app asks for the user’s feedback and will show classes based on that data.
New Goal, New Challenge: This wireflow illustrates the user’s journey of creating a new goal and activating a new challenge. Challenges are created and suggested to the user based on the user’s activity and interests. Challenges are designed to push users out of their comfort zones either by increasing the difficulty of an activity or the frequency.
Level Up: The avatar is designed to reflect the user’s relationship with fitness and health. The avatar’s independence increases as the user purchases clothes, food, and equipment with his/her badges and completed goals. As the user establishes a routine and habit of exercising, the avatar becomes less dependent on the user as the user becomes less dependent on the app.
Dashboard Iterations
Version 1 Mockups